Research relevant for mental health by PBS Asst. Prof Lapate featured in the UC Santa Barbara Magazine

June 26, 2023

Ongoing work in Assistant Professor Regina Lapate’s affective neuroscience laboratory (the LEAP Neuro lab) was covered in a featured article in the Spring/Summer edition of the UC Santa Barbara Magazine centered on biomedical research undertaken at UC Santa Barbara. The feature article highlighted six scientists at UCSB “(...) who are making inroads on conditions that affect millions of people around the world”. Dr. Lapate’s lab conducts studies on emotional processing, emotional memory, and cognitive control using psychophysiological and neuroimaging methods, which are often combined with analyses of individual differences with the long term goal of uncovering neural mechanisms that promote adaptive functioning and reduce risk for psychopathology.

Check out the coverage of the affective neuroscience research in the Lapate lab here:

See the full featured article here:
