PBS Postdoctoral Researcher Receives Daryl And Marguerite Errett Discovery Award In Biomedical Research

July 21, 2021

PBS postdoctoral researcher Dr. Caitlin Taylor (Emily Jacobs Lab) has been selected to receive the Daryl and Marguerite Errett Discovery Award in Biomedical Research for 2021-22 to support her research to advance our understanding of the increased incidence of major depressive disorder in women.


Funded through an annual gift of up to $75,000 from the Errett Fisher Foundation, the Daryl and Marguerite Errett Discovery Award in Biomedical Research is intended to honor the lives of Daryl and Marguerite Errett, while providing seed funding to the most exceptional young postdocs or research professionals (non-tenured faculty) at UC Santa Barbara early in their careers to support their innovative research in the field of biomedicine.

